Music Control

At Thomas David, we love music. On a job-site, you will hear each of us singing at some point or another, with varying levels of performance. Our goal with music control is to make music as much a part of your lives as it is ours. To provide a soundtrack to your day that motivates and excites you, nurtures and comforts you, easily controlled from wherever you are in the home. We offer a broad range of music systems to fit every area of a home. Each room can listen to any source independently from the rest of the house or multiple rooms can be selected to work together in unison.

In the new digital world we live in, media management is no longer a fun toy but a necessity. We have gone from stacks of vinyl and cds to pocket sized devices that hold vast music and video collections. This "digital movement" has transformed the way media is distributed and accessed throughout the residence. You can now browse and access every album or movie you own through a simple user interface while relaxing in your den. Or you can easily access a workout playlist on your iPod in the exercise room. Or select your favorite radio station in the bedroom for getting ready in the morning. With our music control systems, you have easy access to all of your music options wherever you are.